Friday, February 5, 2010

Tax Implications American Gold Coins Tax Implications With Buying And Then Selling Physical Gold?

Tax implications with buying and then selling physical gold? - tax implications american gold coins


I do not quite understand how / when you pay taxes, I hope someone can help me.

I live in California. Let's say I buy physical gold (coins, American Eagle) store and the seller does not charge tax.

1. I think I have to pay taxes on out) how and when to pay in tex (my taxes?

2. If they sell, and if there is an increase in my total, I received from the amount paid to acquire, I have to pay taxes on? when and how?

3. When selling, if I receive an amount exceeding U.S. $ 10,000, the filing of another tax I have to do it myself? Please tell me if I do it, it is part of the application?

Honestly, does not seem in view of all these taxes, buying physical gold very attractive, but I'm certainly no expert on this, maybe I missed an important source of information.

Detailed answers appreciated



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