Friday, December 11, 2009

Bells Palsy Pictures Before And Afters Bells Palsy After Effects.?

Bells Palsy after effects.? - bells palsy pictures before and afters

Hello. I am 20 years old. When I was 16, had a smile right to beautiful, straight teeth, and confidence in my appearance.

Then I had Bell palsy, a terrible. Fast forward four years, and I do not trust. My face sags, I'm having trouble blinking my eyes, my mouth is crooked, my smile is bad. I have no control over the muscles of the face.

I'm not so bad until he smiled, and it bothers me greatly, and when I see pictures I feel so depressed and lose confidence.

Is there any kind of exercises can I do to strengthen the muscles of the face, or I'm hard as this?


blair said...

I'm sorry that you have many episodes of Bell palsy. I was very lucky that my best minimal lasting effects.

I know that Botox can be used to improve a few things from Bell's palsy left, and also uses a form of physical therapy and stimulation to improve muscle tone.

Why not consult your doctor and see what he has to offer. I do not know if it helps, but after this section of the vitamin B-12 helps to heal and restore the nerves. Why not more. ...

:-) Good luck to you

blair said...

I'm sorry that you have many episodes of Bell palsy. I was very lucky that my best minimal lasting effects.

I know that Botox can be used to improve a few things from Bell's palsy left, and also uses a form of physical therapy and stimulation to improve muscle tone.

Why not consult your doctor and see what he has to offer. I do not know if it helps, but after this section of the vitamin B-12 helps to heal and restore the nerves. Why not more. ...

:-) Good luck to you

Mary said...

Yes there is. There are also STIM E. Have you seen a physiotherapist.

up an electric current is applied to the muscles. This causes muscle contraction and thus stronger.

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