Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Trample Mtg In MTG Does A Trampler Trample Past My Beloved Chaplain Or Does He Absorb It All?

In MTG does a trampler trample past my beloved chaplain or does he absorb it all? - trample mtg

When a creature with trample the damages awarded, you must assign damage "fatal (damage equal to the hardness of the creature that is less damage to) the children first lock before the damage can be affected by defense players. This does not take into account that the Damage can be avoided or not.

If your beloved chaplain blocks A 3 / 3 trample, then the attacking player can be 1 damage to the Kaplan assign (damage equal to its toughness) and the other 2 damage point. The damage is resolved at the Chaplain as to prevent, but 2 wounds continue to treat you.


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